ASC National Board Meeting APPROVED NOV 18, 2024
September 25, 2024
ZOOM Meeting
MEETING CALLED TO ORDER: DATE: September 25, 2024. BY: Ed Smith, President
Ed Smith, President Jerry Cole, Secretary Bob Halgren Jane Ash
Don Cox, Vice President Jeri Cox Jim Thompson Derek Phillips
Linda Smith, Treasurer Bud Gruver Gary Ash
OTHERS PRESENT: Rick Peterson, Editor of The Antique Studebaker Review®
ABSENT: Ken St. Clair (Bob Halgren has proxy)
SECONDED BY: Derek Phillips, Jane Ash & Don Cox
TREASURER’S REPORT: Linda Smith presented the Treasurer’s Report. The checking account balance as of this date is $22,738.18. The CD amount is $26,913.02. All bills are paid. Have approximately $50.00 in cash.
- NEW: BIDS FOR PUBLISHER. Received 2 bids (1) Modern Litho and (2) Johnson Press. The bids were close in price. The existing contract is a 3-year contract. Modern Litho presented a 2-year and a 3-year cost proposal. Johnson Press presented a 2-year cost proposal.
DISCUSSION: BOD asked Richard Peterson, Editor, to share his thoughts on the bids. He has not had any problems or issues with Modern Litho (the current printer) and the working relationship has been uneventful.
SECONDED BY: Linda Smith
VOTE: Unanimous
MOTION APPROVED - PAID SERVICES FOR EDITOR, LAYOUT, PRINTER AND MEMBERSHIP: Editor, Layout and Membership services will renew for 2026 -2027. Would like to start advertising these services in the November/December 2024 or January/February 2025 issue. Historically the BOD would need to know quote information by August 15, 2025, to make a timely decision.
OPEN ITEM - OPEN: The Antique Studebaker Review® (ASR): Mimi Halgren to provide guidance whether TM or R is to be used on the ASR logo.
DISCUSSION: Ed Smith discussed he is working with a couple of companies and will need to figure out what size and quantity will suit needs. Once the banner (size, color, design, etc.) is finalized they may be sold through the Museum but ASC would only realize 1% of the gross sales (like the other ASC items + $40 fee/quarter). ASC can sell in competition with the Museum and consideration may be made to sell and/or take orders at the International Meet booth with future discussion. It was suggested to advertise in the AS Review (targeting the January 2025 issue) to gauge if there is an interest with the membership for a personally owned banner. - OPEN ITEM
- ACTION: Ed Smith – finalize design, vendor(s), pricing, quantity, museum line item & AS Review notice
- NOTE: Jane Ash departed the meeting at this point
- DISCUSSION: Ed Smith discussed specifics to orchestrate the Poker Run at all future International Meets.
7 Stations VS 21 Stations (at the Dubuque International Meet)
Perform Wednesday – Friday
Start promoting participation and advertising more for the International Meet
Prizes: Non-ASC winner – give away 1-year membership; ASC member1/2 price or 1-year membership
FURTHER DISCUSSION: Bob Halgren discussed a finite number of memberships for the prize
VOTE: Unanimous
DISCUSSION: Ed Smith discussed the Poker Run, and banners are a good start to advertise ASC. He is challenging the Board to come up with other ideas for marketing ASC.
ACTION: Board members to come up with ideas for marketing ASC
Currently ASC realizes approximately $250.00 per year which consists of $40/quarter fee ($160.00/year) + approximately $90.00 from the 1% of sales.
Per the Museum, the best-selling shirt at the last International Meet was the orange ASC shirt.
A comment was made that it was noticed that the Museum store was selling/promoting “Studebaker” branded items and not club specific and maybe communication with the Museum store was warranted.
It was suggested to maybe design and sell ASC specific and not generic branded shirts at the International Meet booth.
NEW: VENDOR SPACE (at SDC International Meet 2025 (Sep 16-20, 2025)).
DISCUSSION: Ed Smith shared information concerning ASC having a vendor booth space at the SDC International Meet.
The sponsoring chapter will provide ASC booth space
Location would be next to the Museum and Foundation
Typical size of booth space is 10’X10’
Will need volunteers to staƯ the booth for the week
ASC giveaway suggestion – small (4oz) bottle of water
ACTION: Ed Smith to confirm number of booth spaces. Other items: Work schedule for manning booth; select & procure giveaway items; select & procure sale items; chairs
DISCUSSION/INFORMATION: Ed Smith provided insight into what SDC requires to manage a joint international meet. SDC would require all items (i.e. meet registration, tours, banquet, etc.) to be registered through Cornerstone. Avanti Club is currently struggling with SDC on the requirements. It appears to be money driven.
He and Linda made a trip to Washington, PA and were able to acquire the needs of ASC which is discussed in the next agenda item.
DISCUSSION: Ed Smith provided an update of his visit to Washington, PA of the listed items:
Holiday Inn Express, Washington-Meadowlands, 810 Highland Meadow Dr., Washington, PA 15301
Location is approximately 2 miles from the fairgrounds
Block of 40 rooms, if we don’t sell will go back into hotel’s inventory
$107.00 per night room rate with breakfast for Saturday to Saturday (Sep 13 – 20, 2025)
Pet Friendly
2 large meeting rooms available for the week for hospitality, auction and banquet if so choose
Confirmed for ASC only - TRAILER PARKING: Hosting Chapter indicated space at the fairgrounds
- TOURS: Provided a selection of tours
- CATERED DINNER: Provided a brochure of The Spring House
- REGISTRATION FORM: Targeting January 2025 issue inclusion
ACTION: Finalize logo design, registration form, tours, catered dinner vendor, work schedule, and etc. and other unforeseen.
Can start putting International Meet information in the AS Review if he has information by Sept 25, 2024.
He can assist with registration form design as in previous years
Banner info – can include in AS Review if 50-60 words
International Meet Registration collection – will perform at -0- cost
Received a request from SDC to purchase the space on the back of the AS Review Cover/address sheet for 3 months/issues. Suggest charging $100.00 to advertise.
SECONDED BY: Derek Phillips
VOTE: Unanimous
OTHER DISCUSSION: Ed Smith commented he would like to have a meeting per month to organize the International Meet, etc. Bob Holgren indicated he would be out of the country for 2 months but did not indicate which months.
SECONDED BY: Bob Halgren
MINUTES submitted by: Geraldine (Jerry) Cole, Secretary
Approved 12 Aug 2024
Annual Board Meeting
Holiday Inn Suites
ASC International
Dubuque, IA
24 June 2024
Welcome by the President, Ed Smith. Blue binders are provided for each board member with the following contents: Agenda, By-Laws, Treasury Report and Board minutes from 11 March 2024.
Roll Call: Ed Smith, Don Cox, Linda Smith, Jeri Cox, Bud Gruver, Bob Halgren,
Ken St Clair, Jim Thompson,
Absent: Gary Ash, Jane Ash
We missed Rick Peterson as Editor of the Antique Review.
Motion to approve the Board Meeting Minutes from 11 March 2024, moved by Bud Gruver and seconded by Jim Thompson. No Discussion. Motion approved unanimously.
By-Laws – Bob Halgren stated that the Board elections were not held in 2024 as required by the ByLaws due to the circumstances created by the death of the Club Treasurer, Kent Vandenberg. All the current elected Board Members have agreed to remain Board Members until the next Board elections in 2025. Motion to approved. The Appointed Board Members will be appointed in accordance with the Club By-Laws. The Club By-Laws Article III paragraph 2 shall be changed from “even numbered years” to “odd numbered years”. Moved by Bob Halgren and seconded by Ken StClair. Roll Call was accomplished, and all members agreed. Motion approved.
Agenda was set aside for the following announcements:
Terry Frye wanted to give an update on the tour. Storms forecasted and temp 90 degrees. We will leave the Fairgrounds around 1:30pm. There will be a map with directions to the Field of Dreams. Line up with Studebakers first,then Brand X vehicles. He also mentioned that all the trailers needed to be moved to the proper place down the hill before our tour.
Chris Collins – news from the Studebaker Foundation. Most important was the Kent Vanderberg fund for a scholarship. Asking for donations via the web site or membership forms. Giving scholarship awards to All 3 Studebaker brothers from Texas, engineers and working in Space X. All 3 brothers have a Champ PU on their farm. Keeping the Studebaker legacy with Studebaker enthusiasm. Continuing the Studebaker donations to museums – support with cleaning the vehicles.
Ed Smith mentioned the Show Low High School car show sponsored by the Auto Mechanics shop, is there a way for the students to apply for one the scholarships? Chris stated on the Foundation web site.
Chris continued with her update on the finances for the Foundation in very good shape. A member of the Avanti club passed and donated 100K.
Richard Quinn asked how many vehicles are in museums – 7 and no longer accepting more vehicles. 31 Commander in Phoenix, 32 Dictator in Palm Springs and Frank Wenzel has the 21 Touring Car.
Don Cox stated that 3 students helped at the La Palma car show, would they qualify for a
Foundation Scholarships? Yes, Chris answered.
Keep the Foundation in your thoughts, and thanks for your support.
Back to the agenda:
Officer Board replacement – Secretary or Treasurer. Linda is performing 2 jobs. She wants to continue performing the Treasurer duties. So, we need to look for a secretary.
Signing Authorities on the Bank Accounts. Chase Bank has their own rules – president and CFO or Secretary. A motion by Bob Halgren to add to the By-Laws, Article IV, Officers, 1A President, 1B Vice President and 1D Treasurer “shall have signing authority on all club funds.” Seconded by Bud Gruver. Roll Call was accomplished, and all members agreed. Motion approved.
Treasurer Report by Linda Smith – in your binders you will find the report for Jan 1 through May 31st, 2024. After review motion was made to approve by Bob Halgren and seconded by Ken St Clair.
No discussion. Motion approved.
Termination or dissolution of ASC Chapters – Where do the funds go? All funds should go to the National Club. Where do our funds go? Bob Halgren mentioned that upon dissolution of the Club, there should be an approved plan for the remaining club funds.
Kent Vandenberg – Donation or Scholarship. A $2,000.00 donation from the Antique Studebaker Club, Inc. to the Foundation to fund a Scholarship in Kent’s name. A motion by Bud Gruver and seconded by Bob Halgren. Motion carried and approved. A check was written and given to Chris Collins for the above motion.
Hershey Donation – Ed to contact Kent Haberle asking him if he needs money for the Hershey meet.
All our ASC shirts and merchandise go to the Studebaker Museum for sale. Don Cox to ask Mimi Halgren about the museum agreement. What is our stance on selling ASC items at our international events? The museum is supposed to send the agreement to Ed or Don.
Feather Banners – Ed is going to pursue the purchase of these banners to help advertise ASC events. A 10ft banner is approximately $100.00. Double-sided banners. Terry Frye to use the banner at the Iola chapter, a great benefit to let people know who we are. Have membership forms at the events Put an ad in the Antique Review magazine – advertise the need of the banner, contact Ed Smith.
Poker Walk – ASC to sponsor this through the Vendors. Wednesday and Thursday 8-4pm. 3 different walks, Red, White and Blue. One sheet per registration. Prizes to non-ASC members– A free ASC Membership for one year and a vintage truck for ASC members. Motion to give the memberships by Bob Halgren and seconded by Ken St Clair. Motion approved unanimously.
Studebaker Monopoly – still a work in progress.
Ask me About My Studebaker – Learning from the older Studebaker members.
- Social Networking
Advantage of Membership – Ideas:
Door prizes according to Registration numbers or selling tickets
½ price registration
Free- T-shirts
Membership – Appoint Board Members – 4 – Jeri Cox
Bud Gruver
Ken St Clair
New member: Derek Phillips
Motion by Bob Halgren to approve Board Members. Seconded by Jim Thompson
Motion approved.
OƯicer’s Slate – Elected 1 more year: Ed Smith – President
Don Cox – Vice-President
Linda Smith – Treasurer
TBD – Secretary
Motion to elect the OƯicer’s Slate as indicated above. Seconded by Ken St Clair
Motion approved.
Meeting adjourned at 11:06am
General Membership Meeting Highlights:
Poker Walk through the Vendors starting Wednesday and Thursday
Wooden Magnets – for sale $5.00 each
Studebaker Monopoly – problem with funding, but still working. Champ truck – already in the monopoly size.
Jim Thompson-Studebaker Museum – selling the monopoly games?
After auction – Hospitality room open
Terry Frye – discussed the ASC tours. 2 maps available at the fairgrounds.
Monday – 1:30pm depart from the fairgrounds for Field of Dreams
7:30pm ASC Auction at fairgrounds
40 reservations signed up
Tuesday- Tour Private Museum
Lunch/Eagle Point
$1.00 per car admission to Eagle Point
35 reservations signed up for Lunch.
Wednesday- 1:00pm leave fairgrounds for 20-mile trip to US Grants Home in Galena, IL
66 people from ASC and SDC.
Richard Quinn asks about Rick Peterson and Linda Fox extending for another year? Ed stated Yes.
Bud Gruver – Thanks to Jim Thompson and Terry Frye for all their work on the ASC International Meet in Dubuque. IA.
Ed Smith – Talked about the “Firsts of Studebaker” posters.
Send your Studebaker Stories to Rick Peterson. He is always looking for stories for
the Antique Review.
ASC National Board Meeting March 11, 2024
Zoom Meeting
Meeting called to order by Ed Smith, President at 8:10pm EST.
Roll Call:
Ed Smith, Don Cox, Linda Smith, Jeri Cox, Jane Ash, Gary Ash, Bud Gruver (phone), Bob Halgren, Rick Peterson, Jim Thompson, Ken St Clair (traveling)
Motion to approve the Board Meeting Minutes from Jan 8, 2024, moved by Don Cox and seconded by Jane Ash. No discussion. Motion approved unanimously.
Treasurer’s Report – Linda Smith took over as interim Treasurer position in Jan 2024 due to Kent’s passing. Linda reported we have had some major obstacles to overcome but hopefully we have conquered them. The previous bank account with BMO in CA was closed on February 20, 2024, by Frank Wenzel. Ed and I were present at the bank with Frank, and we received 2 Cashier’s Checks, 1 for the checking for $32,322.93 and one for the Money Market account for $26,298.19.
We thought opening a new account in AZ would be great but it wasn’t, to say the least. Since the Corporation was formed in CA and nothing in CA had been updated since 2022 with Mimi as CEO and Jane Ash as Secretary and Kent as the CFO. I was able to update the CA records to show Ed as CEO and Linda Smith as Secretary and CFO on Feb 27, 2024. March 5, 2024, at Chase Bank in Show Low, AZ we were able to open the Business checking and a 9-month CD for the Money Market account. We deposited both cashier’s checks and they cleared on March 7, 2024. We thought everything was great, Chase Bank was mailing our debt cards, and the checks were ordered. I kept checking Chase online to make sure the checks had cleared, and it was okay for me to write checks and pay all outstanding invoices totaling $12,146.06.
Motion to approve the Treasury report, moved by Bob Halgren and seconded by Jane Ash. No discussion. Motion approved unanimously.
If Linda chooses to take on the position as Treasurer, we need to find another Secretary. Suggestions were Terry Frye or Jeri Young. Linda will continue performing both duties until the International Meet in June.
Approved 24 June 2024
Dubuque IA update – Jim Thompson reported that out of the 40 reserved hotel rooms 30 had been reserved, only 10 rooms left. Had to make a modification to our Tuesday tour – Private Auto museum at Cooler Valley RV then luncheon. Wednesday – still on for Galina, IL to visit President’s Grants home and visit downtown Galina. Suggestions were made to give out a flyer to SDC members at the SDC social on Tuesday night. Inviting them to join us on our Wednesday tour.
The official meet registration was sent to Rick P. to go into the March/April issue of the Review. The only thing we forgot to add to the form was what vehicle they would be bringing. Rick will talk to the registrant and find out that information.
Sunday, June 23rd – Registration will be open in the hospitality room.
Monday, June 24th – Board meeting and the membership meeting. Lunch on your own. Monday afternoon tour to Field of Dreams
Monday evening – antique auction. Jim to ask George Vasso to be our auctioneer. Tuesday – Private auto museum and luncheon
Wednesday – Galina, IL
Membership ideas – Ed suggested we talk to anyone that is interested in becoming a member. He mentioned at the local ASC chapter event held in Mesa, AZ, Feb 17th we got 4 new members. Gary Ash is on the AACA forum and will post events. Ed is creating an Antique Studebaker flag banner to hang at events and will let our local chapters use them to advertise for new members.
Follow-up on Copshaholm. Gary has applied to bring his race car but hasn’t been accepted yet.
Next year’s International – 2025 in Pittsburg in June. Don Cox is working with Texas on having a mid- June 2026 meet. South Bend in 2027
Anything else – Good for the Club – Jim Thompson is designing the International Meet T-Shirt for Dubuque. He will be sending that design out later in the week.
Tribute to Kent – Celebration of Life on Mar 23rd 11-2. Travelodge for the hotel. And dinner on Friday, Mar 22nd if you come in early. Please RSVP for both to Frank.
Don Cox reminded everyone about the LaPalma Car Show, May 26th in Anaheim, CA. Having an issue getting an insurance certificate from Jane Stinson because SDC insurance expires May 5th. A motion was made by Don Cox to use the ASC Insurance certificate as a backup to hold the park for the event. Seconded by Linda Smith Motion approved unanimously. Linda will call the ASC Insurance and get the certificate.
At the Dubuque meet there will be no Zoom Meeting per Jane Ash.
No next meeting was announced unless we need an emergency meeting. Next meeting will be at the June meet.
Motion to adjourn moved by Bob Halgren and seconded by Jim Thompson. Motion carried with no discussion. Adjourned at 9:02pm EST.
Motion to approve the Board Meeting Minutes from Nov 20, 2023, moved by Gary Ash and seconded by Jane Ash. No discussion. Motion approved unanimously. Treasurer’s Report – Kent sent email on 1/6/2024 to board members the Treasurer Report for Period 1 July 2023 through 31 December 2023. Kent wasn’t present due to his hospitalization. The board sent a Get-Well card to him and Frank Wenzel. Ed asked if everyone had seen the report, and basically the report states we are still going backwards on our money. Registration fees to go in effect February 1st. This change isn’t reflected in Kent’s report but hopefully we will recover next quarter. One thing he did mention was our ASC website. Not doing very good, not a lot of readers because if anyone goes to the old website – all that information is out of date. The new website is and some of that information is outdated too, still references the WI International Meet in September. Any suggestions on how to get it updated? Jane said not to be criticizing but Gary spends a lot of time looking at Antique car forums, AACA, add a different social media outlet. Gary can post on the forums, introducing our ASC website. And anyone can go to the AACA forum and scroll down you will see a Studebaker forum, which you can post and view other posts. Ed said that he had received several inquiries about the website and it was very outdated. The correct website is Mimi had been updating the .org website but Jane volunteered to update the website if needed. Ed emailed Rick to see if he could take down the .com website or redirect that page to the .org correct website, he never heard back from him, Ed to reach out again. Approved March 11, 2024 Dubuque – updates. Jim Thompson sent 4 or 5 emails with some great pictures of Dubuque and surrounding areas. Jim flew up to Madison, and him and Terry went to Dubuque for 2 days to meet with the hotel, the people catering the awards luncheon and finalizing the driving tours. Jim gave the floor to Terry to talk more about Dubuque. If you don’t know Dubuque, it sits on hills, so it was harder to find ample parking at the hotels for trailers. Trailer parking will be at the fairgrounds, approximately 5 miles from the hotel. $10.00 for the whole week. Sunday – Registration will be at the hotel on the 4th floor. This will also be the meeting place for the Board meeting on Monday morning. Pretty large suite. Parking at the hotel – covered garage parking for 20 antique cars, the hotel will rope off those spaces for us. Monday – Board Meeting at the Hotel on 4th floor. After that if we have a membership meeting it will also be in that room. 1 st Tour – Fields of Dreams tour, leave from the hotel and drive to the fairgrounds and head out, approximately 20 miles – all on county roads. A nice tour in the country, the corn fields should be about 3 or 4 foot high!! A gentleman will be joining us to talk about the production of the movie. After the tour, head back to the fairgrounds or hotel depending on the time. Monday evening, the Antique Studebaker auction will be held at the Creative Arts Bldg. at the fairgrounds. That room will be provided by Tony Urik, Chairperson for SDC at no charge. They tried to get a room at the Hotel, but they wanted $500. Thank you, Tony. That concludes Monday – any questions. Tuesday- a couple of options.: 1 st – The Potosi Brewing Company – they have the national brewing museum in Potosi, WI. It is about 20 miles from the Hotel, 12 miles will be on 4 lane road but going in the middle of the day so shouldn’t be that busy. We have approximately 1 1⁄2 hour tour, production facility and visit the museum and their tasting room, there will be samples!!! On the way back will be going to the top of the Eagle, Echo Park for the best view of the Mississippi locks and dams. We have the River Front pavilion reserved for the rest of the afternoon. A catered lunch will be provided: Pulled Pork, Brisket, Chicken Breast, Baked beans, mashed potatoes, corn, and a vegetable lasagna. There is a $1.00 charge per vehicle to the entrance to the park. So make sure you have a dollar!! 2 nd – a gentleman in Dubuque with over 50 classic cars and is willing for us to stop and see his collection but it would be on his timeframe. We might need to adjust our schedule if we want to see his collection. Terry also talked to the SDC to schedule a combined driving tour to Galena, IL and visit President Grants home and museum. Think it would be a great idea and afterwards visit the Historic downtown Dubuque, only 4 or 5 blocks away. Shopping for the ladies and men!! This would be scheduled for Wednesday afternoon because the home and museum are closed on Monday and Tuesday. The reason we chose the afternoon is because of the SDC board meeting that morning and some of our folks would visit the vending and
be ready for the afternoon tour. Questions for Terry – Ed asked about the Registration Form. Will it be ready soon to post to our ASC website. Jet will be working on this and have ready for the March Antique Review. Jet commended Terry on all his work and getting the details ironed out. He has been an invaluable “Man on the Job”. Thanks so much Terry. Jet mentioned a tax refund like SDC is getting, filled out all the forms and submitted them then they found out we didn’t qualify because you must spend $10K in Dubuque not including Hotels. He also mentioned flying into Madison, WI and Moline, IL both have the top 3 airlines and are about 85 miles from Dubuque. One more airport would be Milwaukee, WI but it’s another hour further east from Dubuque. Jet is leaving the International Meet on Wednesday to drive to Kansas City for an airliner convention. Lots of different things to do in Dubuque, the national fish museum, incline railway elevators to the top of the hill, and a great way to see the layout of the city. The cost for the incline elevator is $4.
Modern Litho – Ed stated that the contract for printing the Review will be up next year and need to advertise in the Review for solicitation. SDC is going to a digital version of the Turning Wheels to save money on the costs. Do we want to do the same with the Antique Review. Jane and everyone stated the magazine was the best benefit from our dues, and you would need to password protect the location, or if you shared the link – no one would pay their dues. Gary said if you print one copy or 10 copies, the price is mute. The members present stated they had no interest in going digital. Membership – Ed asked for ideas to increase ASC membership. Send any ideas you might have, and he knows that all of us go to car shows and different events – do you mention ASC? Terry Frye stated he hosts a SDC event in IOLA, the third largest car show in the US. With 4500 vendors, 4-5 thousand vehicles and 133 thousand in participation in days, have room for 20-30 Studebakers, hand out brochures, membership forms and usually get 3 to 4 new members for SDC. Ed asked if there was anything we could provide that would spark interest in ASC. Maybe a feather banner would be nice. Ed will check into purchasing banners for the 3 ASC chapters. Terry mentioned the IOLA show was over the 4th of July and if he could get a banner at the International would be great. Jet mentioned that Kent Haberle sets up at Hershey with a big Antique Studebaker banner. Any ideas for the banner send them to Ed Smith. Studebaker Monopoly – Ed states that the game would be a great tool to attack new members if used properly. The biggest problem will be the setup expense. He talked to the company today and they want $500 as a down-payment with costs for 6 metal game pieces would be $6K. Everything in the game is completely configurable – how we want it. All board places could be something different and thinking of starting with the wagon then each type of car/truck, maybe even Studebaker dealerships. Any suggestions – please email or call me. After the initial setup – if more games are needed the costs are very low because no setup costs. He wants to talk to the SDC directors and ask for donations from each SDC chapter, SDC has 120 chapters – we could also introduce the idea to the Avanti club. Take about 3 months for the company to build the game. We will table this for now – until the next meeting and after the SDC board meeting Jan 14th, Ed is going to talk about the game then. But any suggestions or board design ideas, send Ed an email. July 13 South Bend, Gary Ash talked about the Concours at Copshaholm. Mike Cleary is bringing his #18 Indy car from Santa Barbara, CA and Gary might trailer his #36 to the show. Three (3) Studebaker Indy cars in one place. From the Studebaker Museum website: DATE: JULY 13, 2024 For more details visit the Concours at Copshaholm website. TICKETS ARE NOW AVAILABLE! Types of Admission Pre-Sale Price Gate Price General Admission $16 $20 Member $6 $10 Children 16 & Under Free Free Please call us at 574-235-9714 if you need any help purchasing tickets. Admission tickets can be purchased online or at the event gates. Museum members must login to their accounts to purchase tickets with their member discount. Ticket prices will increase the day of the event so be sure to purchase your tickets ahead of time. Cash and all major credit cards are accepted. Jane asked how Jet was doing – he goes back to the doctor hopefully getting the boot cast off this week, he thought Terry’s garage had 3 steps but there was a 4th step. Jane mentioned that Frank Wenzel and Ken Vanderburg will not be hosting the Antique car event in March in Palm Springs, CA. Couldn’t get a host hotel to schedule and with Kent’s health decided to cancel. Talked about having another event in Mariposa, CA. Next ASC Board Meeting will be March 11th , 2024, same time. Motion to adjourn moved by Linda Smith and seconded by Jane Ash. Motion carried with no discussion. Adjourned at 7:10pm MST.
ASC Board Meeting September 6, 2021
Hilton Garden Inn, Indianapolis, IN
Call to order 9:06am
Roll call: Gary Ash, Jane Ash, Bud Gruver, Kent Haberle, Mimi Halgren, Bob Halgren, Tom Lewis, George Rohrbach, Jim Thompson, George Vassos
Attending remotely: Kent Vandenberg
Guest: Andy Beckman – Curator, Studebaker National Museum
Motion to approve Minutes of June 1, 2021: No discussion. Motion moved by Bud Gruver, seconded by George Vassos. Motion was approved unanimously.
Treasurer’s report sent out by Kent Vandenberg ahead of the meeting. Kent presented the report during the meeting.
Motion to approve the Treasurer’s report: Motion moved by Jim Thompson, seconded by Kent Haberle. Motion was approved unanimously.
Andy Beckman presentation: The pandemic hit the Studebaker National Museum hard. It was closed for three months and cancelled two large fundraising events in 2020. Andy thanked all club members for giving during fundraising special asks. The museum in the end came through the closures well, including PPP support. Museum staff are making changes to welcome attendees back. The museum has done virtual exhibit openings, created updates for the Museum Youtube channel, and now has an Instagram presence. Staffing changes, car donations, and new exhibit updates. Looking forward to seeing us all in May 2022!
2021 Meet update: Jim said this meet has 60 attendees from 40 registrations. The driving tours are still on as scheduled. #22 Studebaker race car to be displayed on Wednesday morning for us on our tour. Auction underway for Monday night. Gary Ash will be doing his presentation Wednesday afternoon.
Ed Prince tour 2021: George Vassos gave presentation on the tour of the French Lick, IN area. 9 Studebakers first day, 7 Studebakers plus one Renault on second day. George V will talk to Ed about planning a 2022 tour. Kent H presented suggestion to reimburse the couple who helped Ed plan the tours, Joe and Boni. George V suggested $100 plus ASC membership.
Motion: Gary Ash made a motion to give $100 and a three-year ASC membership to Joe and Boni. George Rohrabach seconded the motion. Board approved the motion unanimously. Kent Haberle said he will get their full name and address from Ed Prince and communicate that information to Kent Vandenberg so he can produce the check.
2022: Jet said two hotels, Comfort Inn and Springhill Suites, have room blocks for our group. Comfort Inn is already sold out. ASC Board meeting will be at Studebaker National Museum.
Covid restrictions: Not many restrictions here in Indiana for 2021. Jane suggested we keep our Covid committee going for 2022, and Mimi agreed.
Fall Round Up is being organized by Nancy Phaler October 3 & 4. Paradise, PA location. She is doing this in honor of her late husband, Tom.
Motion: Mimi asked for a motion for the Fall Round up so we give insurance coverage to all the activities. Bob Halgren and Kent Haberle moved the motion. Motion was approved unanimously.
50th anniversary of ASC: Bob H gave presentation. Rick Peterson in November Antique Studebaker Review will create commemoration, followed by Jan/Feb commemoration. Rick wants to have a contest to give away three free ASC memberships.
Motion: Bob Halgren presented and moved, Bud Gruver seconded, drawing for three free memberships organized by Rick Peterson. Motion was unanimously approved.
Life Members: Tom Lewis gave update on his research on the 34 life members. Through multiple communications channels, he confirmed all but 6. Tom told Cornerstone to drop those six members from the mailing list.
Cancellation policy: Mimi announced we need to create a standard cancellation policy. Mimi directed the creation of a subcommittee to create a standard policy for future meets. Kent V, Jane, Tom L are now the subcommittee.
Club Store: ASC has now dissolved its club store, Kent H has turned over all merchandise to the museum store, because no club member volunteered to take over the club store. The ASC items are being sold on consignment until Kent’s inventory is all sold. After the existing inventory is gone, store will pay a licensing fee to use the ASC logo. This business arrangement is patterned after the SDC relationship with the store selling its logoed items. Official transition, for our treasury records, was August 31. After Kent had already decreased his ordering and allowed inventory to go down, especially because pandemic had decreased the shows that provided the in-person buying opportunities. Kent will continue to work with the store to oversee use of our logo and slogans. Mimi thanked Kent for 20 years of service of the club. Gary asked that Kent make sure the ASC Review updates the ordering information for the inventory. Meet organizers are still allowed to create a logo for the specific meet and sell them independently of the store.
By-laws: Mimi wants to review the by-laws. She will prepare a handout for our next meeting to prepare for a discussion.
Contracts: Bob Halgren presented his extensive review of contracts for producing the ASC Review. Review Editor Rick will stay on as editor. He requests additional money, $200, for the membership roster. And $200 additional funding for voting for board members online, which Rick has done for free in the past. Layout editor Linda Fox will continue at work for the price we have been paying as before. Thanks to Bob for all his work, the board acknowledges all the work he did to review all the contracts.
Membership: Cornerstone is it. We will pay the annual increase for services as agreed in the contract.
Printer: Bob described the competition for printing of current magazine, which is full color covers and b&w inside for five issues, plus one full color issue. Bob recommends paying the extra money to have full color for all issues. Kent V. weighed in on the topic and said we have enough money to pay for it. Bob and Kent said the extra money is worth it for the value of the membership.
The board had an extensive discussion about making the move to have the ASC Review printed in full color for all issues.
Motion: Gary moved the motion to print the ASC Review in full color. Bob Halgren seconded motion to go full color. Board voted unanimously in favor of printing the ASC Review in full color for all issues.
Board, using the detailed pricing information gathered by Bob Halgren, discussed choosing a new printer for ASC Review because Sheridan’s price for full color printing of all issues is too high compared to the quotes from other printers.
Motion: George Rohrbach made a motion to choose Modern Lithograph for three year contract for printing the ASC Review; Gary Ash seconded the motion. Board voted unanimously to approve Modern Lithograph as the new printer.
Motion: Mimi asked for a motion to keep Rick Peterson as Review Editor for two years. Bud Gruver moved the motion and Kent Haberle seconded the motion. Board voted unanimously to keep Rick Peterson as Review Editor for two year commitment.
Motion: Mimi asked for a motion to keep Linda Fox as Layout Editor; Kent Haberle moved the motion and Jim Thompson seconded the motion. Board voted unanimously to keep Linda Fox as Layout Editor for a two year commitment.
Motion: Mimi asked for a motion to retain Cornerstone Registration; Gary Ash moved the motion and Kent Haberle seconded the motion. Board voted unanimously to retain Cornerstone Registration for (One or Two) years.
Gay Wittenberg was not at the meeting to present the membership report. Board decided to include Gay’s report on membership analysis with these minutes. Gay gets the report each year from Cornerstone of ASC members who don’t renew and follows up with them directly.
Mimi opened discussion on the Chat Room which lead to bigger discussion of whether it’s time for ASC to commit to purchasing its own subscription to a videoconferencing program. We didn’t reach a conclusion at this meeting so the conversation will be continued.
Motion: Mimi asked for a motion to reappoint the current appointed board members (Jane Ash, Bud Gruver, Tom Lewis) for another one-year term. Kent Haberle moved the motion and George Vassos seconded the motion. The Board voted unanimously to reappoint the three board members.
The board members thanked Jim Thompson (Jet) for the hard work he has done to plan this meet and that he is already doing to plan the 2022 Meet.
Motion: Mimi asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting; the motion was moved by George Vassos and seconded by George Rohrabach. Meeting ended at 11:15.
ASC Board Online Meeting Minutes June 1, 2021
1. Call to Order: 5:04 PST
2. Roll Call: Gary Ash, Jane Ash, Bud Gruver, Kent Haberle, Bob Halgren, Mimi Halgren, Tom Lewis, George Rohrbach, Jet Thompson, Kent Vandenberg, George Vassos. Visiting – Carl Thomason, Rick Peterson.
3. Motion to approve Minutes of 3/1/2021 Board Meeting: No discussion. Motion moved by Bob Halgren, seconded by Bud Gruver. Motion was approved unanimously.
4. Jet gave the board the update on the planning for the 2021 ASC Meet. Of concern is the low number of registrations, 14, when 44 hotel rooms have been booked in the official ASC hotel room block. Board members with previous meet registration experience didn’t find the low number concerning. Members tend to wait until late in the game to make the financial commitment of registration. The board decided to send a group email to ASC members with an update on planning for the meet after the conclusion of the board meeting with encouragement to register. Mimi will write the email and send it to George R. for distribution.
5. Gary gave the update on his seminar presentation in response to Jet’s concern about a schedule conflict between the ASC driving tour to the Indianapolis 500 Museum on the Wednesday morning of the ASC meeting and Gary’s presentation of the story of his race car which is scheduled for 11:00am. Gary said he would look into postponing the presentation until 1:00pm on Wednesday.
6. Kent V. gave the Covid Committee report based on his analysis of the government reports from Marion County, IN. The county will relax all coronavirus-associated mandates on June 7. Jane reported that in New England, all mask mandates and business restrictions have been lifted and people are slowly moving forward with a return to stores, restaurants, and travel. Jane and Kent both recommended that the ASC Board continue to plan meet for September. If any restrictions are imposed before our meet, the hotel will be responsible for communicating changes and we will have to make changes then. For now, we want to go forward as planned. 7. George Vassos reported on his conversation with Ed Prince. Ed is planning a pre-ASC Meet driving tour in southern Indiana. With the lifting of mask mandates and other business restrictions, planning for this tour continues. Ed promised tour details in a couple of weeks.
8. Motion to continue planning the ASC Meet: Motion moved by Kent Vandenberg, seconded by George Vassos. Motion was approved unanimously.
9. Jet reported on plans for the 2022 ASC Meet in South Bend, IN, May 1-4. He has room blocks in two hotels which are filling up, the Comfort Suites in South Bend and Springhill Suites in Mishawaka. He said Tom Curtis from SDC contacted him to ask if ASC would join in with the SDC driving tour on Friday, May 6. The board decided, because that’s outside of the ASC Meet dates, that if an ASC member was staying for the SDC Meet, which starts May 4, then they are free to choose to register with SDC and participate in Friday’s driving tour.
10. Tom Lewis gave his update on his research into the status of Life Members. Cornerstone will send out letters to the 11 people who did not respond to the initial letter. If they don’t respond, then they will be dropped from the membership rolls. Board discussion covered the need for a letter, the third one, to tell these people they are being dropped, but consensus was that if no response to the second letter, then there will be no further communication initiated by ASC.
11. Kent V. and Jane provided an update on creating an online ASC social gathering. The two focus groups demonstrated that using free Zoom will work because many people have already participated in the 40 minute meetings provided by free Zoom so they have already accommodated to the 40 minute limit. Many people asked for a designated speaker or topic over a freeform social event. There had been problems with the invitation for the first meeting so the invitation for the second meeting addressed those issues. One person responded after the meeting (and after the board meeting) with issues he had with the second meeting invitation. Good news that only one person experienced problems with the invitation and the issues have been identified and solutions proposed. The third meeting will take place on June 16. Kent will craft an email for George R. to send out to the entire ASC membership inviting all to sign up for the third meeting. Kent will cap the participation if demand is overwhelming. Ed Prince will be the speaker for the meeting, giving a presentation on his tour planned for September 3 & 4.
12. Motion to adjourned entertained at 8:50pm EST: Motion moved by Tom Lewis and seconded by Bud Gruver.
Your Board met online on January 10, 2021. Below are the approved minutes from that meeting.
Your Board met online in August, 2020. Below are the approved Minutes from that meeting.
ASC Board Online Meeting Minutes 8/24/2020
- Call to Order: 5:04 pm PST
- Roll Call: George Vassos, Bob Halgren, George Rohrbach, Kent Vandenberg,
Kent Haberle, Tom Lewis, Bud Gruver, Mimi Halgren, Frank Wenzel, Jet Thompson.
Visiting-Rick Peterson, Gary Finch, and Carl Thomason. Not present Gary Keating. - Approval of Minutes of 5/11/2020: No discussion. Bob H moved to approve. Bud G.
seconded. Approved. - Treasurer’s Report: Kent Vandenberg – Kent didn’t have a full report with him
but he sent a copy of it later. For the period of 4/1/2020 through 8/18/2020- Income
was $16,969.32. Expenses $14,054.06. Club is in the black $2,915.26. Bob H. moved
to approve his report as given. Mimi H. seconded. Motion passed. - Gary Finch: Mr. Finch is an ASC member who wants to do a tour in the Fall of
2021 in Northern Idaho and the Montana area. He asked if it is a joint tour with
another club will it be insured? Kent V. not sure, will ask J.C,. Taylor, our insurer.
(Update from Kent: He spoke with J.C. Taylor, our Club insurer, and learned only
losses associated with ASC members are covered during the conduct of a joint event
with another Club not associated with ASC.) Frank W. says you have to be a member
to be covered. Bob H. noted that the Board has to approve the meet for insurance to
be effective. Mr. Finch was advised to firm up his plans and let the Board know when
he has the specifics – what, when, where, and who would be participating.
Secondly, Mr. Finch is interested in forming a new ASC Chapter covering Central
Washington to Central Montana. In the past they have done a lot of touring there.
Several of their members would be interested in a new chapter. They would have a
quarterly newsletter and tour/meetings trying to keep it simple.
George V. mentioned that he needs to create some bylaws, and elect some officers
then bring the proposal for the new Chapter to the Board for approval. The Board was
enthusiastic about the proposal. Mr. Finch indicated that if they get the tour for the Fall
organized he will try to get some extra cars for those who fly in from out of the area to
drive. - 2021 Meet in Indianapolis: Jet Thompson – Dates of the SDC meet will be
September 8, 9, 10 and 11. Discussion by the Board ended up with the ASC meet
being held on September 6, 7 and 8. Frank W. moved that we do it then. George V.
seconded. Motion passed.
Jet mentioned we have an option of doing the Indianapolis Speedway Tour or the
Benjamin Harrison House tour. Mimi H., Bob H. and Bud G. all indicated they would
prefer the Speedway tour. Jet will check into that possibility. There is also the option of
a tour of the Skilman collection. - Board Elections: George V. indicated that the following people were elected to
the Board for two year terms: Bob H., Gary Ash, George R., George V., Jet T., Kent
H., Mimi H. and Kent V. The following people were appointed to the Board for 1 year
terms: Bud G., Jane Ash, and Tom L. George V. moved to approve those
appointments. Bob H. seconded. Motion passed.
- New Officers: George V. moved to nominate Mimi Halgren as the new ASC
President, Bob Halgren to continue as Vice President, Jane Ash as Secretary and
Kent Vandenberg to continue as Treasurer. Bud G. seconded. Nominations were
approved. - Thanks to departing Board members Gary Keating and Frank Wenzel for their
service to the club. Bob H. thanked George V. for his service as President to the club. - Questions: Mimi H. asked Jet about the availability of extra days at the meet
hotel, at the same rate,for those driving in from afar. Jet T. mentioned he would look
into it. Also, Jet T. will send Mimi H. the contract proposed by the hotel for her review
and signature.
Meeting adjourned at 5:49 pm PST.