ASC National Meet Handbook Adopted 8/19/15 1
19 August 2015
Applicable to 2016 and later ASC meets
- Introduction
An Antique Studebaker is defined as any Studebaker that is 1946 or older
and M Series trucks to 1948. The Antique Studebaker Club (ASC) National Meet is a week-long Studebaker related car show and convention. The event is attended by ASC and affiliated-club members from all over the world. - Goal
The goal of the ASC is to have affordable and interesting meets attracting the greatest membership participation. Meets are expected to be self-sustaining (i.e. income matches expenses). Tours, meet handbook, advertising, sales of memorabilia, etc. shall be priced so they generate profits for the ASC. - Host Selection Procedures
The ASC Club President, with the concurrence of the Board, will appoint a
Meet Chairman who will be responsible for obtaining help (meet committee) as needed and carrying out the host responsibilities. All committee members must be current ASC members. It is recommended that prior meet chairs be consulted for suggestions on running the meet. - Meet Guidelines
A. Registration: Registration for an ASC meet is typically handled by the
meet committee. Registration with the ASC does not give the registrant the right to attend any Studebaker Drivers Club (SDC) events. ASC members must register with SDC in order to attend their seminars, tours, Concours, Awards Banquet and other events.
To display a Studebaker the owner must be registered for the SDC event.
Non-registered ASC vehicles will not be permitted to be displayed on the show field.
A late registration fee applies to registrations occurring in the period 30 days prior to the beginning of the meet. Early registration should be encouraged on all promotional material for the meet.
For joint ASC/SDC meets, vendors shall comply with SDC
registration/vending requirements. For ASC only meets vendors are NOT required to register for the meet, but must sign a Waiver of Liability prior to vending. ASC registration IS required of any vendor who desires to participate in any ASC event, tour, or function during the meet, regardless of who is putting on the meet.
B. Location Considerations: The ASC will normally hold its meets in
conjunction with the SDC. If it does not, then the meet committee will need to consider the following factors in the selection of a meet site:
ASC National Meet Handbook Adopted 8/19/15 2 - Location and available facilities. This includes hotel, swap meet, banquet, and Concours parking sufficient to accommodate the entire meet on-site.
- Availability of sufficient membership willing and able to manage the meet.
- Expense to the attendees.
- Expenses of the site.
- Are there campgrounds near the meet site?
- Is the proposed location of a nature that might be offensive to some members?
- Is it in a geographic are where we’ve never held or not recently held a meet?
- Does the proposed site have facilities sufficient to handle the number of attendees expected?
- Is this meet an activity where the host chapter can seek community involvement?
- Does the proposed have spectator parking?
C. Liability: If the venue requests a liability insurance certificate from ASC, it may be obtained by contacting the ASC Treasurer at least 30 days prior to the meet.
D. Meet Chair/Meet Committee Responsibilities: (Note: asterisked
items are optional for joint meets.)
1.* Work with the ASC Board in reviewing the selection of the meet
hotel. (In most cases, this is done by SDC.) Initial approval will come
from the ASC Board of Directors. Using the SDC hotel as the ASC
hotel saves many headaches. Where we must do our own hotel deal
try to limit room guarantees to the hotel to 20 rooms, or 80 room
nights for an International Meet. A low room price is nice, but
financial penalties for unmet room guarantees are severe. Hotels are
NOT forgiving on this issue. Be sure to check with the hotel that food
and beverages from the outside are allowed in the Hospitality Room.
These hotel matters can be thorny issues, so start on them early!
2.* Design a meet logo to be used on meet advertising – one that
represents the area, date and ASC logo. - Prepare a budget and share it with the President. It can be as simple
as a page that summarizes your estimated attendance, registration
and tour fees, cost of award trophies, award luncheon, total revenue
and total cost. Provide a contingency (10%) in all fees to cover
unexpected costs… they will occur. The Chair decides the nature and
categories of awards (in addition to ASC’s annual Hezzy Kappus Hard
Luck Award plaque.) Limit Meet awards to no more than 6 (for
example, Longest Distance Driven, Longest Distance Traveled, Longest
Distance Trailered, Editor’s Choice, Women’s Choice, Sorriest Paint
Job, etc.) with an average (cost to the Club) no more than $30 per
trophy. Strive for award lunch costs in the $10 to $20 per person
range. Aim for a Meet registration fee of $25 to $30 and put on the
ASC National Meet Handbook Adopted 8/19/15 3
form a reminder that members should also register with SDC when
we are meeting in the same city at the same time.
The Club advances $500 plus the cost of T-shirts to cover up-front
expenses, to be repaid to the Club after the Meet is over. The Chair
should ask the President as soon as the money is needed. The
President will authorize the Treasurer to send a check. Requests for
reimbursement of any other meet-related costs should be directed to
the President for approval, whenever possible in advance of incurring
The Chair decides if custom T-shirts or similar souvenirs will be sold
before and at the Meet. He/she will arrange for the artwork, local
procurement, and establish the sale price in coordination with the
ASC Storekeeper. The Treasurer will pay invoices approved by the
President. - Compile a pre-meet booklet, brochure or flyer which includes
information on the upcoming meet, plus a registration form. - Coordinate timely release and update of subsequent changes to the
pre-meet booklet, brochure or flyer. Any information changes are to
be forwarded to the Editor of The Antique Review for subsequent
6.* Provide memorabilia items for resale, such as t-shirts, hats, mugs,
pins, etc.
7.* A meet handbook. - Solicit businesses and ASC chapters for trophy sponsorships if you
plan to offer trophies. - Provide at least one driving tour with directions and address of the
place touring to. This is typically done on Friday at the end of the meet
but can be any day that works in the meet. Also, provide a contact
person with a phone number for anyone who may get lost. Provide a
pick-up person with a trailer for anyone that breaks down. Arrange
for an award luncheon or dinner. When planning a banquet you need
to consider:
a. Base cost of meal.
b. Cost of gratuity as an added % to the meal.
c. State or local sales tax added to the cost of the meal.
d. How much money to add to these cost to cover
incidentals and generate a profit.
(This is, perhaps, the most important cost the Host Committee
will face in planning a meet. It is typically part of a foodguarantee
that you must meet with the facility where the meet
is being held. Be sure to ask whether they charge for electrical
hookups, and audio-visual needs.)
ASC National Meet Handbook Adopted 8/19/15 4 - The cost of these tours must be figured to more than cover the
expenses of the tours. - All driving tours should include a destination address and exit
numbers so GPS can be used to clarify directions. - Cancellation of tours should be clearly communicated to any
registrants for that tour, and refunds scheduled if pre-registration has
taken place. We suggest posting tour cancellations at the Registration
Desk. Likewise any changes in venue for tours or events should be
clearly noted at the Registration Desk. - Collect materials for goodie bags. Minimum requirements include a
meet schedule, dash plaque, pocket agenda (optional) meet handbook
(optional) discount coupons for local attractions and restaurants, etc.
(optional). - Provide a bulletin board for announcements, buy/sell notices, etc.
- Provide all necessary signage for tours, registration, swap meet,
evening programs and other signage specific to the location of the
meet. - Provide and staff a hospitality room or area. Strive to get the hotel to
provide this free, Sunday through Friday. Failing that, rent one suite
to designate as the Hospitality Room, to be used by someone for
lodging at night in return for their cleaning up after the party. Provide
beer, soft drinks, snacks and have a Tip Jar with a sign requesting
donations from non-members. If the Chair has personal objections to
furnishing beer, notify the President in advance so that it may be
donated by Club members who wish to have beer available. The
policy is to have a welcoming, friendly atmosphere for all who
drop in ( and who might consider joining ASC.) - Assist ASC in procuring items for the ASC Auction from local
members, merchants, and swap meet vendors. Items should be
available for viewing 2-4 hours in advance of the ASC National
Auction. - Work with the ASC National Treasurer to promptly settle all debts and
reconcile final costs and revenue for the current meet.
19.* In the event that ASC does not hold their National Meet in conjunction
with the SDC International Meet, the following items must be
a. Make arrangements with a local EMT organization
closest to the meet site, alerting them to the presence of
our group for the duration of the meet.
b. Provide tables and chairs for registration and vendors.
c. An individual (member of the meet committee?) should
be advertised as an emergency contact during the meet.
This should be a local person or someone familiar with
the area where the meet is held and who will be
available on–site during the meet.
ASC National Meet Handbook Adopted 8/19/15 5
d. Provide all local advertising for the meet, including
newspapers, TV, radio and other media.
e. Provide information on camping and recreational
vehicle facilities located at or near the meet site.
f. Arrange for security for all display and concours
vehicles, swap meet areas, memorabilia room and offsite
trailer parking, for the duration of the meet.
g. Provide rooms for Hospitality, Auction, Board and
General Membership meeting. - Base your planning on conservative estimates of probable
attendance. It is far easier to handle an unexpectedly large crowd
than to rescue a Meet organized for a larger group than actually show
up. Lacking hard data, assume that attendance will be 90% of that
which actually occurred at the most previous Meet in a similar
location. Do not use South Bend experience. Meets there draw FAR
larger attendance than do others. - The Meet Chair will submit, to the Club President, a complete report
on all aspects of the meet within 3 months of its conclusion.